Spotlight on Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)

More details on the operation of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) have been released.  This may seem incidental to agriculture, but it potentially opens up a new income stream for land managers.  An impact assessment published by Defra alongside a consultation indicates that the annual market for BNG offsets may be in the region of £135m and require up to 10,000 Ha of land (see the market analysis here –

In summary, BNG is a new policy being introduced in England under the Environment Act.  It requires any development to deliver 10% more biodiversity after the development has been done than was present beforehand.  Whilst it is possible to deliver some of the ‘after’ biodiversity through measures on the site itself such as ponds and tree planting, in many cases compensating biodiversity will need to be sourced away from the development site – the concept of biodiversity offsets.  When Planning Permission is being applied for, the application will have to submit a biodiversity gain plan with the application.  There is a calculator (the Biodiversity Metric 3.0) that is used to work out the ‘before’ and ‘after’ biodiversity.  A market will develop in biodiversity offsets to meet developers’ needs.  Any biodiversity created must be guaranteed for 30 years.  Conservation covenants are seen as a keyway of ensuring this.

Whilst the Environment Act provides the overall legislative framework, the scheme details need to be filled-in by Secondary legislation.  This is what is being consulted on.  One important announcement is that BNG will not become mandatory until November 2023 – therefore the market for land owners will not be fully developed in the short term (although some firms are already active and trying to set up a ‘bank’ of BNG offsets).  Another important date is that only habitats created after 30th January 2020 can be used as offsets.

One unresolved issue is the interaction of all the various ‘land management’ initiatives.  For example, could a landowner create a habitat to sell the biodiversity offsets, but then also sell the carbon credits, nutrient balances or any other environmental ‘service’.   This also applies to land entering a Defra scheme under ELM – could this also pick up BNG credits?  The consultation indicates Defra is ‘minded’ to allow BNG offsets and other markets to co-exist as long as any outcomes paid for are ‘distinct and additional’.  This builds on Defra’s payments principles under ELM schemes where it seems ‘stacking’ of payments will be allowed as long as different agreements do not ‘pay for the same thing twice’.  Although this seems positive for landowners the precise interpretation of these rules is still not clear and may not become so until both ELM and BNG scheme rules are published.  

The consultation on BNG runs until 14th April 2022.  The documents can be found at

Farming Focus InBrief – January 2022

  • If you require advice from one of our consultants, do not hesitate to contact them by email or phone.  If you do not have their details please contact the office on 01664 503200 or email [email protected]
  • A reminder that the first round of the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (the small-scale Farming Investment Fund (FIF)) closes on 7th January.   In addition, the first theme of the larger scale scheme, the Farming Transformation Fund closes on 12th January for grants to fund Water Management.  However, Defra has now published the manual for the second theme, Improving Farm Productivity.  This can be found at  The focus for this round is robotic or autonomous equipment and systems to aid crop and livestock production and also the installation of slurry acidification equipment.  The window to express an interest in this grant is due to open in mid-January.  The manual has been published now to give potential applicants time to consider their proposals.
  • Revised figures for Total Income from Farming (TIFF) for 2020 show total aggregate profits for farming were £5.121bn (real terms, 2020 prices).  This is an 8% drop from This is much better than initially reported.  The revision is largely down to farm diversification being less affected by Covid in 2020 than first estimated and the volume of seeds, fertilisers and sprays used in the year was lower than thought.  We had been forecasting that 2021 TIFF would be higher than 2020.  This is still the case, although the uplift in last year’s figures means the ‘rebound’ will be less pronounced.  Even so, it seems possible that aggregate UK farm profits for this year could reach the £6bn level which is at the upper end of the range of the recent decade.  With the large cost increases seen in recent months, it seems likely that 2022 will drop back again. 
  • The UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) was signed in December.  It is the first trade agreement negotiated independently by the UK in nearly 50 years and will set a precedent for other agreements.  The UK farming sector, particularly grazing livestock and sugar beet will be more exposed to competitive pressure from Australian imports in the long-termThe deal will now go before both the UK and Australian Houses of Parliament for further scrutiny and ratification. It could come into force as soon as mid-2022, but the process might take longer. 
  • The Government has published a review of how secure the nation’s food supply is – the UK Food Security Report (UKFSR).  The Agriculture Act requires such a review at least every three years and this is the first comprehensive study of the topic since the UK Food Security Assessment in 2010.  As the report itself states, food security is ‘a complex and multi-faceted issue’.  As such, the UKFSR does not come up with a simple answer such as ‘we are fine’ or ‘there’s a problem here’.  It is arranged around five themes with broad conclusions drawn under each heading.  The report runs to over 300 pages and presents a wide range of statistics plus case studies and qualitative analysis.  Overall, however, it paints a picture of the UK’s food security being reasonably robust.  For more details see –
  • The English cross-compliance guidance for the 2022 scheme year has been published.  It can be found at In summary, there have been no changes for 2022 so the rules remain the same as in the past couple of years.   The Welsh Government has also published its cross-compliance rules for 2022 (see Again, these effectively show no change.
  • The Bank of England raised UK Base Rates from 0.1% to 0.25% on the 16th December.  This is in response to rapidly rising inflation with the year-on-year increase in prices accelerating from 3.1% in September to 5.1% in November (CPI measure).  Even with the threat of the Omicron variant to economic activity, many economic forecasters are predicting further base rate increases in 2022 as inflation pressure continues.  Rates of 1% by the end of 2022 look possible.
  • The Government has confirmed exports of British lamb to the US will resume in 2022.  The ‘Small Ruminants Rule’ which has been in place in the US for over 20 years, bans the imports of lamb from countries where scrapie has been identified.  After extensive evaluations, the USDA has amended this rule, which effectively means UK processors will be able to ship lamb to the US as from next year.  The amended rule came into force as from 3rd January and paves the way for Defra, DIT, and the UK food safety authorities to work with their counterparts in the US to complete the final steps. This will be a welcome boost to sheep farmers in the UK, the US market is forecast to be worth £37m over the first five years.  The news comes after President Biden committed to lifting the ban on British lamb back in September.
  • A reminder that the Future Farm Resilience Fund is now open. If you would like a one-to-one farm resilience review and report carried out by one of our consultants and access to online skills and training, including resilience planning webinars all for free get in touch with one of our consultants. Places are limited.  More information can be found at

This month’s Spotlight looks at the latest figures for our Friesian Farm Model  Click Here for further information.

If you would like more detail on the topics covered above as well as additional articles on UK farm business matters, why not subscribe to Andersons’ AgriBrief Bulletin? Over the course of each month, we give a concise and unbiased commentary on the key issues affecting business performance in the UK agri-food industry, and its implications for farming and food businesses. Please click on the link below for a 90-day free trial:


Spotlight on Friesian Farm

The latest figures for our Friesian Farm model illustrate the rapidly changing fortunes of dairy farming as milk prices and costs both move sharply upwards.

Friesian Farm is a notional dairy business milking a little over 200 cows.   It has been used to track the fortunes of British dairy farming for well over a decade.  It has a year-round calving system, like most of the UK industry, but it is trying to maximise yield from forage.  The farm comprises 130 hectares (of which 60 hectares are rented on an FBT).  The proprietor provides labour along with one full time worker (plus casual/relief).  The table below shows the farm’s actual results for the two previous milk years (April to March), a budget for the current 2021/22 year, then a forecast for 2022/23.  

The figures are averages for an entire milk year.  For the current 2021/22 year, this means milk prices are not as high as presently seen, as, for a large portion of the year values were lower.  By the same token, whilst costs have risen (winter concentrate feed being a big element) the biggest rises have only been over the last few months.  In particular, fertiliser for the year was bought last spring at far lower values.  This means the returns for the current milk year look likely, on average, to be good.

It is in the following year that cost increases are really seen.  This is not just in areas such as feed, fertiliser, fuel and electricity, but also in costs such as labour, property repairs and machinery purchase.  Even with a higher milk price, returns are much reduced.  The effect of the Agricultural Transition in England can also be clearly seen with the pence per litre value of the BPS declining.

Budgeting ahead is currently difficult due to the fast-moving situation with costs and prices.  However, it is fairly clear that more testing times for dairy profitability lie ahead unless the cost situation quickly turns around.

Spotlight on the Sustainable Farming Incentive 2022

Defra has announced more details on how the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) will operate in 2022 and the years after.

Standards and Rates

The SFI 2022 will contain four Standards – Arable & Horticultural Soils, Improved Grassland Soils; Moorland & Rough Grazing and Animal Health and Welfare.  The payment rates and the actions required have been updated since the first announcement back in July 2021, the table below summarises these;


There will be no capital payments under SFI2022, but these will be added later.

Scheme Rules

The following general SFI rules will apply to all the 2022 Standards and any additional ones added later (see below);

  • applicants for the SFI must be current BPS claimants.  This restriction will be dropped in future to let other land managers enter.
  • SFI agreements will last for 3 years.  There will be a 12 monthly review of agreements at which point more land can be added, additional standards incorporated or the ambition level within standards raised.  During the 3 year agreement farmers will only be able to reduce ambition levels or coverage in exceptional circumstances – therefore the flexibility in agreements is only one way.
  • payment levels will be fixed for the three-year period at the prevailing level when the agreement starts.  They may be adjusted subsequently as more experience of the scheme develops.  Payment will be quarterly in arrears (i.e. more frequent than current schemes).
  • the SFI will operate on a land-parcel basis.  Standards can be signed-up for on a field-by-field basis rather than the whole farm having to be entered.  It appears that different fields can have different ambition levels under the same Standard.
  • land must be under the ‘management control’ of the applicant.  This is taken to be the the Tenant under let situations.  There will be no requirement for Tenants to gain Landlord’s permission to enter the SFI.  Where a tenancy has less than 2 years to run this land will not be allowed in the SFI.  As a transitional measure, land with 2-3 years remaining on its lease will be allowed in.
  • Land already in Countryside Stewardship (or other existing schemes) can also be entered into into the SFI as long as the prescriptions do not overlap or conflict.  This in unlikely for the Soils Standards as they are asking for different actions than CS.  It is also stated that land entered into the SFI can be used for biodiversity offsets or other private agreements.
  • Common land will be able to enter the SFI through group agreements.  A ‘single entity’ (e.g. the Commons Association) will be required to submit the application.
  • a 10-week application window for the SFI will open in 2022.  The precise timing of this will be given in the New Year (although it is stated it won’t clash with the BPS).  Given the statement from Defra that it would like to ‘make the first SFI payments before the end of the year’ this seems to indicate SFI applications after May.  In future years, probably from 2024 onwards, applications will be possible year-round
  • the monitoring of agreements is stated to be ‘simpler, fairer and more proportionate’ than previous EU schemes.

Future SFI

Whilst only indicative at present, Defra has set out when further Standards may be added to the SFI;

  • 2023:  Nutrient Management; Integrated Pest Management; Hedgerows.
  • 2024:  Agroforestry; Low & No Input Grassland; Moorland & Rough Grazing (all levels); Water Body Buffering; Farmland Biodiversity
  • 2025:  Organic; On-farm Woodland; Orchards & Specialist Horticulture; Heritage; Dry Stone Walls

It is possible other Standards will be included as well.  It is notable that in the list above there is no Arable Land Standard or Improved Grassland Standard – both of which were in the Pilot scheme.  Possibly they have been subsumed into ‘Farmland Biodiversity’ or they may have been deemed too unattractive.  

The full details can be found via the Defra website at




Farming Focus InBrief – December 2021

  • If you require advice from one of our consultants, do not hesitate to contact them by email or phone.  If you do not have their details please contact the office on 01664 503200 or email [email protected]
  • The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is now open. It is designed to help farmers invest in new technology and equipment.  The scheme is similar to the previous Countryside Productivity Scheme including two elements – for small and large investments.  The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund is the small-scale scheme.  This pays a fixed amount for specific items of equipment (usually 40% of the cost). Min. grant £2,000, max. £25,000.  The full list can be seen at  – This round of funding is open until the 7th January 2022.   The Farming Transformation Fund is for larger items of spending with grants of between £35,000 and £500,000 (again, based on a 40% grant rate). The grant funds projects in three areas; Water Management (open now), Improving Productivity (opening later this year) and Adding Value (opening early next year). Full details can be seen at
  • The latest Farm Business Income (FBI) figures show a surprising rise.  The data shows the profit for an average full-time farm in each of the main sectors of English farming.  The data is for the 2020/21 year (March to Feb) which covers the 2020 harvest, 2020 BPS payments and the first months of the Covid outbreak. All sectors, apart from General Cropping and Poultry showed higher year-on-year  profits.  And, overall, FBI rose by 5% on the year.
  • The Environment Bill finally received Royal Assent on the 9th November 2021.  The Act is likely to have a long-term impact on farming for many years.  However, the effects will not be immediate, detailed provisions (in most cases) will need to be introduced through secondary legislation.  One of the main areas to impact agriculture will be the setting of long-term, legally enforceable, targets (for Government) for the improvement of air quality, water, waste reduction and biodiversity.
  • Details of how the BPS Lump Sum payment and Delinking are to work were expected in October, but Defra has announced these will now be delayed and has said they will be available ‘by the end of 2021’.  As the Lump Sum exit scheme is expected to open in 2022 and is only supposed to be a ‘one-off’ this will give anyone hoping to take advantage of this and their advisors very little time to get to grips with the detail and understand the rules. 
  • The results from the annual Early Bird Survey of UK planting intentions for harvest 2022 shows a rise in both the OSR and wheat area. The former by 13% to 345,000 ha, with the latter up by only 1.5% to 1.81m ha (1.82m ha 2019 levels).  The fallow area also shows an increase, but surprisingly, given the price of N, the area planted to pulses is forecast to decline by 5%.  Both the oat and barley areas are also expected to fall.  The total barley area intended to be planted is down by 4%. However, winter barley is expected to increase, but spring barley plantings are forecast to fall by a larger amount (-8%).  It is worth highlighting at this stage these figures represent intentions, rather than confirmed plantings.  Spring acreages are still very much open to change, dependent on the price of both outputs and inputs (especially this season). 
  • There have been multiple reported cases of Avian Flu over the last month and a number of 3km Protection Zones and 10km Surveillance Sites have been put in place across the country.  It is now a legal requirement for all bird keepers across the UK to keep their birds indoors and to follow strict biosecurity measures in order to limit the spread of the disease. All the latest information can be found at
  • The Welsh Government has announced a 12-week consultation period on proposed changes to the Bovine TB eradication programme.  The full consultation, which can be found at
  • A reminder that the Future Farm Resilience Fund is now open. If you would like a one-to-one farm resilience review and report carried out by one of our consultants and access to online skills and training, including resilience planning webinars all for free get in touch with one of our consultants. Places are limited.  More information can be found at

This month’s Spotlight looks at the latest detail and payment rates for the Sustainable Farming Incentive 2022 (SFI 2022).  This is the initial element of the SFI and will be available next year  Click Here for further information.

If you would like more detail on the topics covered above as well as additional articles on UK farm business matters, why not subscribe to Andersons’ AgriBrief Bulletin? Over the course of each month, we give a concise and unbiased commentary on the key issues affecting business performance in the UK agri-food industry, and its implications for farming and food businesses. Please click on the link below for a 90-day free trial:


Farming Focus InBrief – November 2021

  • If you require advice from one of our consultants, do not hesitate to contact them by email or phone.  If you do not have their details please contact the office on 01664 503200 or email [email protected]
  • The English BPS payment rates for 2021 have been published by Defra. The gross rates have increased slightly but the effect of the Agricultural Transition will see farmers receive less than last year.  All payments are being reduced by at least 5% (shown in the table below as the ‘net’ figures).  Those with a payment over £30,000 will face larger deductions – up to 25% on amounts over £150,000.
  • The Welsh Government paid the vast majority of farmers an advance of 70% on their 2021 BPS payments on the 15th October.  Around 97% of claimants received the advance.  The balancing payments will be sent from the 15th December.
  • In the second Budget of 2021, the Chancellor set out the Government’s tax and spending plans with the twin aims of stabilising the Government’s finances post-Covid and promoting the ‘levelling-up agenda’. The latest economic forecasts predict economic growth in 2021 will be 6.5%.  Growth in 2022 is put at 6.0% before falling to 2.1% in 2023.  The biggest economic issue in 2022 looks set to be inflation.  The forecast for CPI is a rate of 2.3% for 2021.  For 2022 the OBR has a central forecast of 4% and there is a strong chance it could be as much as 5%. There was relatively little in the budget that directly impacts farming.  The rise in the National Living Wage plus the 1.25% supplement on National Insurance will further push up labour costs and the Annual Investment Allowance has been kept at £1m.
  • Ahead of COP 26, the UK set out how it will deliver on its commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050 in its Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener. It sets out plans across all sectors of the UK economy.  But instead of measures to cut meat and dairy as previously recommended by the Climate Change Committee and the National Food Strategy, the emphasis is on getting farmers to sign up to the new ELM scheme, improve efficiencies in the sector, restore peatlands and increase the planting of woodlands.
  • The UK and New Zealand have announced an agreement in principle on a Free Trade Deal (FTA).  The deal is similar in nature to the UK-Australia trade deal announced back in June and like the Australian FTA, the UK-NZ FTA is subject to further negotiations on the legal text.  Whilst there is an eventual aspiration to fully liberalise agri-food trade, there are adjustment periods for several agri-food products which the UK deems to be sensitive – notably beef, lamb and dairy products.
  • It is reported that the fertiliser producer, CF Industries, will continue to operate its plants in the UK after buyers of carbon dioxide (CO2) agreed to pay higher prices.  The deal operates until January.  This means that ammonium nitrate manufacture will continue for at least the next couple of months (ironically, now as a by-product of CO2 production).  Although this eases some of the concerns about availability, fertiliser prices are likely to be high given gas prices.
  • What is claimed to be Europe’s largest oat processing facility is being built in the East Midlands.  Sited next to Camgrain’s existing store between Corby and Kettering, the plant will supply oat-based ingredients for the food and drink industry.  The mill will be run by ‘Navara Oat Milling’, a three-way joint venture between Frontier Agriculture, Camgrain, and Anglia Maltings Holdings (AMH).  The plant is due to open in 2023.
  • Arable prices are high due to tight markets. The dry conditions experienced by S America last year are continuing and the ongoing La Niña could cause low wheat output from the region again this year.  UK wheat production has recovered but with low stocks, domestic supply will be  OSR supplies are also very low with prices about £215/t more than a year ago.  Only supplies of barley outweigh demand.
  • The Welsh Government has launched a consultation on changes on how to identify, register and report livestock movements together with the proposed implementation of Bovine Electronic Identification (EID).  Responses to the consultation need to be submitted by 2nd January 2022.  The full consultation can be found at 
  • The problems in the pig sector remain critical. Prices are falling at a time when costs are soaring.  Brexit and Covid have compounded staff shortages, particularly of skilled butchers, which continues to affect throughput in processing plants.  Labour issues have seen some processing plants cutting back output by 25% per week since August.  The result being pigs remaining on farm, taking up room, and eating expensive feed. The Government appears to have finally recognised the industry has hit a crisis point and, in a move welcomed by the sector, it has announced a support package to include; Private Storage Aid, a Temporary Visa system and a Levy Holiday.
  • A reminder that the Future Farm Resilience Fund is now open. If you would like a one-to-one farm resilience review and report carried out by one of our consultants and access to online skills and training, including resilience planning webinars all for free get in touch with one of our consultants. Places are limited.  More information can be found at

This month’s Spotlight looks at the Animal Health & Welfare Pathway.  The first element of this is the Annual Health and Welfare Review which will be available in 2022 and will pay for farmers’ own vets to carry out a yearly Review including diagnostic testing for priority diseases.  Click Here for further information.

If you would like more detail on the topics covered above as well as additional articles on UK farm business matters, why not subscribe to Andersons’ AgriBrief Bulletin? Over the course of each month, we give a concise and unbiased commentary on the key issues affecting business performance in the UK agri-food industry, and its implications for farming and food businesses. Please click on the link below for a 90-day free trial:


Spotlight on Animal Health & Welfare Pathway

Under the new Animal Health and Welfare Pathway farmers will receive a fully funded annual visit by their own vet.  The Animal Health and Welfare Pathway aims to improve the health and welfare of English farmed animals by controlling and eventually eliminating endemic diseases.  The Annual Health and Welfare Review, which is due to be launched in spring 2022 as part of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI 2022), will be the first element of the Pathway.

The Review will consist of a yearly visit by the farmer’s own vet for the lifetime of the Pathway (planned to initially be 3-years).  The vet will carry out diagnostic testing for priority diseases – Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD), Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRS) and for sheep, parasitic resistance to anthelmintic treatments.  Grants are expected to range from £269-£775.  The main difference in the rate is due to the costs of the diagnostic tests which vary across the species.

The vet will also provide farmers with tailored advice and management to improve the health and welfare of their animals.  Having completed this first step, farmers will continue along the Pathway supported by Animal Health and Welfare grants which will be launched later in 2022.  These could include capital grants to improve the sustainability and reduce the environmental impact of the business or increase animal welfare.

Vets will also collect data. This will be used for benchmarking, to increase the health and welfare of the farmer’s own herd/flock, but it will also be shared with Defra so it can get a better understanding of the health and welfare of the national and regional herds/flock.  This information will then be used to inform and develop future policy to ensure it is targeted in the right areas.  There will be a review of on farm medicine usage and farmers are likely to be expected to upload medicines to an e-medicines recording hub

The Review will initially only be available to commercial cattle, pig and sheep farmers in England who are currently eligible for the BPS.  Eventually, it will be open to all livestock farmers above a minimum threshold – 50 pigs, 20 sheep or 10 cows.  The application process is currently being tested, but should be simple, either online or via a telephone call.

The Review is just the first element of the Pathway, a payment by results programme is also in the planning stages, which will reward farmers for achieving higher welfare outcomes by supporting the ongoing costs involved in delivery.





Farming Focus InBrief – October 2021

  • If you require advice from one of our consultants, do not hesitate to contact them by email or phone.  If you do not have their details please contact the office on 01664 503200 or email [email protected]
  • Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have all recently announced updates to their future farm policies, although none have given any clear proposals for new schemes or timings. However, we do know, in all the regions the BPS will continue in the short term whilst plans continue to be developed and consulted on.  Furthermore, the Welsh Government has confirmed the BPS will continue until 2023. It has also said existing Glastir contracts coming to an end in December 2021 will be given a two-year extension until the end of 2023 with the Farming Connect Programme continuing until March 2023.  The new Sustainable Farming Scheme which will replace the BPS and Glastir is expected to launch fully in 2025.
  • The UK Government has, once again, delayed the implementation of border controls on agri-food imports from the EU.  The postponement is blamed on the combined effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and food supply-chain issues, but it is equally a result of the Hard Brexit the Government negotiated.  Many of the checks and paperwork requirements were due to be fully implemented from the 1st October, but have been delayed until the New Year or later. This effectively retains the lop-sided situation where UK exports to the EU are subject to the full range of EU checks, whilst imports from the EU are currently allowed into our market with far fewer restrictions. 
  • Defra is giving a ‘heads-up’ that the Countryside Stewardship Facilitation Fund will open in England for a 6th round in December.  The fund supports facilitators, either individuals or organisations, to bring farmers and foresters together to produce landscape-scale Countryside Stewardship agreements.  A total of £2.5m will be available under the latest round, which will close to applications on 19th January 2022.  Further details expected soon.
  • The sugar beet price for the 2022 crop will be £27 per adjusted tonne.  This is a significant increase over the price for this year’s crop of £21.10 and £22.00 on the one-year and three-year contracts respectively.  This will be a flat-rate price, with no market related bonus as has been available recently. The fact that the announcement comes so late highlights the difficulty the two parties had in reaching a price agreement.  With buoyant prices for alternative crops and growing costs rising, a sizeable uplift was required to keep the area planted up.  The Virus Yellows insurance scheme, will continue for 2022.
  • Defra has given Rothamsted Research permission to run field trials on wheat that has been genome edited. The trials will be on CRISPR-edited wheat, which has been designed to have reduced levels of the naturally occurring amino acid, asparagine.  Asparagine turns into acrylamide when bread is baked or toasted which has been found to cause cancer in rodents and is considered as ‘probably carcinogenic’ to humans and is therefore a huge problem for food manufacturers.  It is expected the Government will propose allowing gene editing to be used commercially in the UK for both crops and livestock, following a consultation held this year.
  • Arable markets remain firm. Over 6m tonnes of wheat have already been traded with the EU, over 50% more than this time last year, pushing prices upwards.  Demand from China is fuelling buying from speculators, which in turn is increasing the volatility in the market.  Furthermore, there are reports Russia may impose an export tax on its grains, making global supply tighter.  Dry weather in Canada has reduced yields there, fuelling OSR prices.  Barley prices are also good, just a £7 per tonne discount to wheat with milling oats about £20 per tonne above feed oats.
  • The GDT average price index experienced a significant rise in September after consecutive declines since April and is now back above the $4,000 mark at $4,011. There is a general upturn in the global dairy commodities market, although still a little way off levels seen in the spring.  A ‘fly in the ointment’ could be a slow-down in demand from China but reports of a shift in demand from other parts of Asia and the Middle East could compensate for this.  Domestic Farmgate milk prices remain strong.  The average farmgate milk price for August is 31.24ppl, 11% more than last year.  But production has been falling due to poor grass growth.  The AHDB expects production to run below year earlier levels until the New Year.  Although the milk price is good, feed prices remain high meaning the milk to feed price ration will not encourage more production.  Rising labour and energy costs are also squeezing margins.
  • Farmgate beef and sheep prices remain strong. The GB all prime cattle deadweight average stands about 40ppkg above last year’s level.  The GB deadweight NSL SQQ is in the region of 60ppkg above 2020 prices and over £1 per kg higher than the 5-year average.  Supporting prices is tight supply.  The prime cattle and cow kills were both down by 4% and 5% respectively for the period January to August compared with 2020.  The UK monthly sheep meat production has been below last year and the 5-year average for every month so far this year, with July and August experiencing particularly sharp year-on-year declines.  In the period January to August, the lamb kill totals 7,255,200 head, almost 900,000 less than for the same period in 2020. 
  • A reminder that the Future Farm Resilience Fund is now open. If you would like a one-to-one farm resilience review and report carried out by one of our consultants and access to online skills and training, including resilience planning webinars all for free get in touch with one of our consultants. Places are limited.  More information can be found at
  • FPC Future, an agritech event, takes place on 4th November at the Lincolnshire Showground. With its exhibition, conference and tours of the University of Lincoln, it seeks to provide growers with all the agritech information they need. This event should be of interest to those looking at opportunities in the fresh produce sector as well as ascertaining how new technologies could boost productivity by helping their workforce to become more efficient. Registration is free –

This month’s Spotlight looks at the situation regarding the surge in gas prices and the knock on effect on the fertiliser market and the wider food chain.   Click Here for further information.

If you would like more detail on the topics covered above as well as additional articles on UK farm business matters, why not subscribe to Andersons’ AgriBrief Bulletin? Over the course of each month, we give a concise and unbiased commentary on the key issues affecting business performance in the UK agri-food industry, and its implications for farming and food businesses. Please click on the link below for a 90-day free trial:


Spotlight on Fertiliser and CO2

The nitrogen fertiliser market has been in turmoil during September which has resulted in knock-on effects into the wider food chain.  The root cause is the surge in natural gas prices.  This has been caused by low stocks (the UK has very little storage), high demand (partly due to the lack of wind, reducing renewables output) and constrained supply (lower availability from Russia and the Middle East).  The effects are being seen in the consumer market with some energy supply firms going bust as the Government price cap leaves them having to supply energy at below the cost of buying it.  Over the short-to-medium term, energy bills (electricity, gas and oil) will all rise.

Natural gas is the major feedstock of ammonium nitrate (AN) production.  As prices have risen it has become uneconomic to manufacture fertiliser and, on the 17th September, CF fertilisers announced it would be shutting its two UK plants.  Yara has already reduced output at its Hull plant.  The cost of AN rose to around £500 per tonne.  Aside from the price, availability is likely to be just as much an issue, with little product on the market and orders not being taken.

The CF plants supply around 60% of the UK’s carbon dioxide – generated as a by-product.  The gas has a variety of uses in the food chain including stunning poultry and pigs prior to slaughter, displacing air in food packaging and carbonating beer and soft drinks.  The interruption in supply had the potential to cause major disruption.  The Government stepped-in and offered financial incentives for CF to restart its plants for a three-week period from the 21st September.  It appears that only the Billingham plant and not the one at Ince will reopen.  After this period, it is hoped that high prices will encourage the market to deliver new supplies of CO2.

Forecasters do not believe that gas prices will fall anytime soon.  This suggests that fertiliser production in the UK and Europe will remain constrained for a number of months.  Although additional tonnages are coming in from other places, this is likely to be in limited amounts.  Therefore, it seems fertiliser prices may well remain high at least for the remainder of this season.





Farming Focus InBrief – September 2021

  • Andersons’ consultants are continuing to support their clients during the pandemic. If you require any advice, please contact your  usual consultant, or the office on 01664 503200 or email [email protected].
  • The deadline for applications to the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFI) Pilot has been extended until 30th September 2021 (originally 1st September).  The Pilot is for those who expressed an interest in the scheme earlier in the year.  Furthermore, Defra continues to make amendments to the online guidance for the SFI Pilot.  There seems to be a lot of guidance, we think the best place to start and ‘navigate’ from is The extension might suggest that not as many have signed-up to the scheme as Defra hoped.  If you expressed an interest in the scheme earlier in the year and would like help with applying, do not hesitate to contact one of our consultants.
  • Farmers in Scotland could receive 95% of their 2021 BPS payment as early as September.  Once again, Scotland has announced it will be running a National Basic Payment Support Scheme.  This will mean loan offers will be made, calculated at 95% of a claimant’s anticipated BPS payment including the Greening amount, capped at a maximum of £133,638 (€150,000).  Letters will be sent out in batches, with the first set arriving from mid-August.  Similar to the scheme in 2020, those wishing to make use of the scheme will need to opt in.  Balance payments will be made from December 2021 when the payment window opens. In Wales, the aim is to make a BPS advance payment of 70% of the estimated claim value from 15th October 2021.  Payment will be made automatically subject to submission of an eligible BPS claim and the necessary supporting documents.  Balancing payments will be made from 15th December subject to completion of the full validation of the claim.  In England there has been no announcement regarding ‘early’ payment.  As in previous years payments are expected to commence on 1st December 2012
  • Covid and Brexit disruptions are impacting on costs and availability in some parts of the economy. Rising costs of steel and timber from global demand and restricted production are also affecting building projects.  Globally, costs for containers and bulk shipping have risen considerably.  At home a shortfall of HGV drivers is causing problems.  An existing shortfall has been exacerbated by EU drivers leaving due to a combination of Brexit and Covid.  Covid has also delayed HGV driving tests meaning few new drivers are coming through.  High-profile shortages such as Nando’s chicken and McDonalds milkshakes have already been reported (although the former is as much about a shortage of poultry processing staff as transport issues).  There are few reports of deliveries to and from farms being affected, but it will be an area of concern over the coming months.  It may be advisable not to let stocks on farm run too low as orders may take longer to arrive than usual and haulage of grain or livestock may have to be booked earlier.
  • Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship agreement holders with 5-year options ending on 31st December 2021 and further 10 or 20-year options (called CS 5 in 10 Agreements) could be offered a replacement agreement under domestic regulations. These will run for 10 or 20 years and although not completely clear, it appears the options coming to their 5-year end will be extended so this land continues to be managed environmentally.  NE will carry out initial assessments to see if an agreement is suitable for a replacement.  If this is deemed to be the case, the RPA will write to agreement holders inviting them to apply.  It will be possible to terminate a replacement agreement early, without penalty, at the end of an agreement year if a place in ELM has been secured. 
  • Defra has confirmed the Catchment Sensitive Farming initiative is to be expanded to cover the whole of England by March 2023. The programme gives farmers support to reduce air and water pollution.  Some funding via CS is only available with support from a Catchment Sensitive Farming Officer (CSFO) and if the land is in a priority catchment area.  It is unclear whether this announcement will mean the whole of England now falls within this category and these grants are available to all. There will be extra funding for more NE advisors to be available to help farmers implement practical solutions to reduce pollution.  But it will also fund 50 new EA inspectors to carry out an increased number of farm inspections.
  • The Farm Business Grant (FBG) opened in Wales on 1st September 2021 for expressions of interest.  The closing date is 1st October and successful applicants will have four months in which to purchase and claim for items.  The FBG provides a 40% contribution towards capital items which have been pre-identified to improve technical, financial and environmental performance.  A budget of £2m is available under this round.
  • A reminder that the Future Farm Resilience Fund is now open. If you would like a one-to-one farm resilience review and report carried out by one of our consultants and access to online skills and training, including resilience planning webinars all for free get in touch with one of our consultants. Places are limited.     More information can be found at
  • FPC Future, an agritech event, takes place on 4th November at the Lincolnshire Showground. With its exhibition, conference and tours of the University of Lincoln, it seeks to provide growers with all the agritech information they need. This event should be of interest to those looking at opportunities in the fresh produce sector as well as ascertaining how new technologies could boost productivity by helping their workforce to become more efficient. Registration is free –

This month’s Spotlight looks at the latest the latest situation regarding the spreading of organic manure this autumn and the impact of the Farming Rules for Water.   Click Here for further information.

If you would like more detail on the topics covered above as well as additional articles on UK farm business matters, why not subscribe to Andersons’ AgriBrief Bulletin? Over the course of each month, we give a concise and unbiased commentary on the key issues affecting business performance in the UK agri-food industry, and its implications for farming and food businesses. Please click on the link below for a 90-day free trial:


Spotlight on Autumn Manure Spreading

Recently there has been a lot of talk about the Farming Rules for Water and specifically the spreading of organic manure in the autumn.  The issue is, under Rule 1, when organic manure is applied to agricultural land, the application must not exceed the needs of the soil or crop on the land and must not give rise to a significant risk of agricultural diffuse pollution.  This effectively makes autumn and winter spreading on a lot of farms impossible.  For example, if spreading can only take place if there is a crop need, this would mean grass, which is dormant at this time of year, would have no crop need and therefore spreading cannot take place.  The rules are not new, but it appears the EA note has highlighted the issue to the industry and perhaps indicates a more robust approach to enforcement from the EA.

However, for this autumn, the Environment Agency (EA) has released a Regulatory Position Statement (RPS) on the application of organic manure.  This means if the conditions of the RPS are followed it will be possible to have a plan to apply organic manure to agricultural land that may exceed the needs of the soil or crop on that land.  But importantly, the plan must not cause a risk of pollution.  Those using the RPS will still need to show that applications do not exceed the requirements of the crop for the whole duration of its growing cycle.  Farmers must also be able to show that using the RPS is the only option and it has not been feasible to store the organic manure at the place of production or use.  They must also demonstrate that it has not been possible to store the manure off-site or send it to an AD plant or other effluent treatment plant.

Following lobbying from the NFU, the EA updated its guidance further on 25th August to include a ‘hierarchy’ of actions:

1).  If you can follow Rule 1 of the Farming Rules for Water, then you do not need to use the RPS – carry on with your planned activities.

2).  If you can follow the conditions in the RPS – tell the Environment Agency you are using the RPS as described in the ‘contact’ section (see below) and carry on with your activities.

3).  If you cannot comply with the conditions in the RPS, email  [email protected] or call 03708 506 506 (general enquiries).  The Environment Agency will assess the risk of your activities.  For this autumn, it will allow activities that will not cause significant risks (significant risk may result from repeated applications to the same field or spreading close to protected sites, such as Natura 2000 sites). You must not start your activities until the Environment Agency confirms you can do so.

Contact details for the EA and full guidance can be found at RPS will be withdrawn on 1st March 2022, unless there is a further extension.  This is only a short term ‘fix’ to the problem, which will arise again next autumn.  Many in the industry have raised concerns as to how practical the rules are.  A move to more storage and spring and summer spreading looks like the only solution, but this will take time and money.  If you are having difficulties adhering to the rules or require further clarification, please contact one of our consultants for advice.





Future Farming Resilience Fund – Free Advice

The Andersons Centre is delighted to be supporting Defra and Ricardo in providing advice to farmers and land managers as they prepare for the agricultural transition. This project, managed by Ricardo, is available to farming businesses in England that are in receipt of the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) payments.

The challenges caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19), extreme weather events and the forthcoming changes to agricultural support as a result of the UK leaving the EU may result in many farmers and land managers in England needing to adapt their business models and carefully consider options for the future. This project will provide information, tools, advice, and support for farming businesses throughout this period of change.

All the advice provided will be completely free of charge! The programme starts on 18 August 2021 and will run until 28 February 2022. Places are limited. Further information on how to apply is available by clicking here.