The Andersons Centre has 50 years’ experience as a leading source of information and interpretation on EU farm policy and its implications for UK farming. More recently, our policy work has extended to agricultural trade, particularly in the context of Brexit. Crucially, our ‘on-the-ground’ experience means that we can relate what is decided in Whitehall, Brussels, Geneva and elsewhere back to the farm level.

Many agri-food organisations rely on The Andersons Centre to guide them on how policy reform will affect their business and to steer their strategic thinking.

Our insights help clients to:

  • Assess how changes in support affect farm profitability and business performance.
  • Quantify the impact of policy changes on agri-food industry output and trade.
  • Assess implications of policy changes for wider supply chain (input suppliers to consumers).
  • Assist policy-makers in formulating new agricultural and trade policies.


Policy Seminars and Briefings: each year, over 1,000 delegates receive our latest interpretation of how policy reform will affect the future performance of farming. These seminars and briefings take place in a variety of formats depending on clients’ needs. We also provide regular updates on policy changes via our Professional Update bulletin and AgriBrief Service. Please visit our Seminars and Briefings and Publications sections for further detail.

Policy Impact Assessments: similar to our Economic Impact Analysis services, we provide detailed assessments of how policy reform is likely to affect agricultural output and its contribution to the local/national economy. We also have the ability to compile detailed costings analyses on the impact of any new policy scheme at a farm-level.

Policy Formulation: The Andersons Centre is trusted as an objective provider of insight to help formulate new, more effective, policies relating to agriculture. This includes traditional support to farming, agricultural trade and a plethora of other policies related to farming (e.g. environment, labour, biofuels etc.). We have also been involved in assessing agricultural policy options and formulating future policy proposals for the dairy and grazing livestock sectors in Northern Ireland. These have been influential in the policy framework now being pursued by the Northern Irish Executive.

Policy Scenario Analysis: given the momentous changes taking place in UK agriculture, we can provide advanced analytical models which permit rigorous “what-if” analysis of how new UK agricultural policies might affect farming and agri-food trade. These help clients to test the robustness of business plans.

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