In recent years, The Andersons Centre has contributed to several high-profile projects looking at the impact of new Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) on UK agriculture as well as monitoring the ongoing implications of Brexit on farming. We have presented more than 250 papers covering these issues and their implications for organisations across the food and farming industry in the UK, Ireland and elsewhere.


Andersons Seminars: these 3-hour sessions provide a detailed examination of the implications of emerging trade policy, new trade deals as well as other major developments on food and farming. In addition to public seminars held across the UK (see testimonials below), we also offer private seminars which can be tailored to an organisation’s individual needs.

Trade Updates: are provided on an ongoing and/or monthly basis via our Professional Update bulletin and AgriBrief Service. Instead of just reporting key developments, we delve deeper into the issues and examine how they could affect your business.

Customised Research and Consultancy: we have completed numerous projects on the specific impacts of trade policy changes for individual businesses. These include conducting scenario-based modelling exercises and developing diagnostic tools to quantify the potential impacts of trade deals under a range of trading scenarios.

Policy Analysis: we also have a strong track record in conducting agricultural policy analysis and assessing the implications for agriculture both at an industry as well as at an individual business level. Brexit has heralded the introduction of a new UK agricultural policy framework and we can draw upon a 30-year track record to help you understand what policy changes mean for your business.

Market Opportunity Assessments: with change comes opportunity and, if anything, changing trade policy creates an added impetus for businesses to develop new markets. Whether you are a UK-based company seeking to identify expansion opportunities or are an international company considering exporting to the UK, The Andersons Centre can support you.

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