Farm Profits

UK farming made surprisingly good profits in 2023 according to Defra.  The Department has recently released figures for Total Income from Farming (TIFF) – this is the aggregate profit for the whole UK farming and horticultural sector.  The headline figure is that profits fell 16% in real terms between 2022 and 2023, but last year’s figures still came in at a very healthy £7.2bn – the third highest returns in the past 25 years.

The Defra figure for 2023 is much higher than we had been predicting.  We had estimated that profits for the year would fall to around £5bn.  Part of the reason is a sizeable upwards revision for the 2022 year (from 7.9bn to £8.6bn).  This results in the 2023 figure being higher.  There is a history of quite large revisions in the TIFF figures – we would not be surpised if those for the past year were amended in due course as well.

Both crop output and livestock output were down in 2023 compared to 2022 – by 16% and 7% respectively in real terms.  (Both of these drops were lower than we had forecasted).  Variable costs (called ‘intermediate consumption’ in these figures) showed a surpising drop of 9% year-on-year.  The fall was wholly due to a big drop in the value of animal feed consumed on farm.

The chart below shows the evolution (in real terms) of TIFF over the past 25 years.  TIFF shows the return to all entrepreneurs for their management, labour and capital invested.  In simplistic terms, it is the profit of ‘UK Agriculture Plc’.  Also shown on the chart is the contribution of direct support (BPS plus agri-environment scheme payments).  This has declined in recent years as inflation has eroded its real terms value.  However, it continues to contribute a sizeable proportion of farm profits.

Given our belief the 2023 figures might be revised downwards somewhat, our estimate for the current 2024 year is for a TIFF (in real terms) around the £6bn mark.  We would expect costs to rise as inflation continues to work its way through the system.  Harvest 2024 looks set to deliver low yields and unspectacular prices.  In contrast, most livestock sectors are currently having a reasonable year.  TIFF at this level would be very much in the normal range seen over the past few years – discounting the very good returns of the past three years.

The data on farm incomes (profits) comes from Defra’s annual publication ‘Agriculture in the UK’.  This compendium of statstics includes data on all aspects of the food and farming sector.  Full details can be found at –

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SFI 2024 Factsheet

Details of the Sustainable Farming Incentive 2024 offer are now available.  A controlled roll out via Expressions of Interest is currently taking place with the scheme expected to open to all later in the summer.  To assist farmers with understanding what will be accessible we have produced a 4-page SFI Factsheet giving a summary of all the actions that will be available.

Click Here to access our SFI 2024 Factsheet.

If you require advice from one of our consultants, do not hesitate to contact them by email or phone.  Their contact details can be obtained by clicking here. Alternatively, your can also contact our office on 01664 503200 or email [email protected]

If you would like more detail on the Sustainable Farming Scheme as well as additional articles on UK farm business matters, why not subscribe to our Professional Update bulletin? Over the course of each month, we give a concise and unbiased commentary on the key issues affecting business performance in the UK agri-food industry, and its implications for farming and food businesses. You can access a no obligation 90-day free trial via the link below.

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Expanded SFI Offer for 2024

Expanded Offer

Defra has released details of the expanded SFI 2024 offer.  In total there will be 102 actions available.  This will include the 23 existing actions (available now under SFI 2023), over 20 brand new actions and more than 50 actions which were previously available under Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier (CS MT).  With reference to the latter, a number of these actions have been simplified and reduced from 5 to 3 years, so that over 90 of the actions are for 3 years.  This has the aim of making the scheme more accessible to tenant farmers.  Our article of 8th January gave details of some of the new actions, which include support for precision farming, agroforestry, boundaries and an improved offer for upland farmers (see

All the actions will be merged into one scheme – called the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) and they will be available via one application.  Defra has said ‘bringing the schemes into one place, with one name, means farmers can access the best of both offers, the flexibility of the SFI with the breadth, scale and ambition of CS MT, just with less paperwork’.  It is our understanding that going forward there will no longer be a CS Mid Tier; this has now been subsumed into the SFI.  We were expecting this to happen over time, but it has occured quicker than we thought.  CS Higher Tier will remain available – see below.  

Controlled Rollout

The expanded SFI will be offered via a ‘controlled rollout’.  Initially, the RPA will invite a mix of farm businesses who have submitted an Expression of Interest (EoI) in the expanded offer.  EoIs have now opened and can be made via  Invites from the RPA will start from the end of May.  This is to test the system before full rollout.  Applications will then open to the wider sector ‘based on eligibility’ (it’s not clear what that actually means) from 22nd July 2024.  We do however know, the expanded offer will be available to those who have not previously claimed the BPS for the first time.

The SFI cap, which was put in place in March 2024, will remain with a further four actions from the new expanded offering being added.  This means new SFI applications will only be able to put 25% of the total agricultural area of their farm into a combination of one or more of these 10 actions which include:

The original actions:

  • IGL1 – Take improved grassland field corners or blocks out of management
  • IGL2 – Winter bird food on improved grassland –
  • AHL1 – Pollen and nectar flower mix
  • AHL2 – Winter bird food on arable and horticultural land
  • AHL3 – Grassy field corners and blocks
  • IPM2 – Flower-rich grass margins, blocks, or in-field strips.

New actions similar in nature to the 6 above:

  • WBD3 – in-field grass strips
  • AHW9 – unharvested cereal headland
  • AHW1 – bumblebird mix
  • AHW11 – cultivated areas for arable plants

Full details on the expanded offer can be found via

Guidance on all the individual actions can be found on the new digital tool known as ‘find funding for land or farms’  This is similar to the Countryside Stewardship Grants finder.  Whilst it was very nice to have a SFI ‘Handbook’ with all the actions in when there was only 23, this may not be practical now we have 102 actions.  One has not been published as yet.

Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier

More information will be available later in the summer for those interested in the CS Higher Tier, this will include:

  • eligibility
  • how to apply and request specialist advice
  • details on each Higher Tier action

Higher Tier is being kept separate as these agreements are usually more complicated and require specialist advice from Natural England (NE) or the Forestry Commission (FC).  Later this summer applicants will be able to start working with NE or the FC to draw up their applications, with eligible farmers being able to submit applications online via Rural Payments during the ‘winter’ with the first agreements commencing in early 2023.  After this, applications will be possible all year round with agreements normally starting the month after applications are approved.

SFI 2023

The existing SFI 2023 scheme remains open, but it seems there will be a ‘downtime’.  Defra has said ‘you can apply for the SFI 2023 offer until access to the application servce is restricted, before the expanded SFI offer is launched in summer 2024’.  As all the actions that are in the 2023 offer will be carried forward into the 2024 offer, this will only really affect those that are in the middle of drawing up an agreement, we do however expect to be given warning before this happens, so this is just a ‘head’s-up’.

If you found this article useful, there are numerous additional articles published each month on our Professional Update bulletin service. You can access a no obligation 90-day free trial via the link below.

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Ending Agri-environment Agreements Early

Defra has released information on how and when existing Countryside Stewardship (CS) and Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) agreement holders can exit their current agreements if they wish to.  From September, CS Mid Tier and HLS agreement holders will be able to apply to end their existing agreements early to go into the SFI or a CS Higher Tier scheme (opening this winter) either:

  • at the end of the current agreement year and receive the full payment due for that year (subject to meeting the requirements of the agreement)
  • before the end of the current agreement year, but not receive payment for the part of the current agreement year that’s already completed

Note, that it will not be possible to end existing agreements before September.

Contrary to previous advice, there will not be any requirement for the new agreement to be the same or ‘better’ than the existing agreement.  Previously the message had been that early termination would only be allowed if the new agreement would deliver the same or greater environmental benefits as the existing agreement.  However, we always thought this would be difficult to show when the system doesn’t allow a new scheme to be applied for when the old one is still running.

If the existing agreement includes an SSSI or Scheduled Monument, agreement holders will need to keep managing the land in line with the requirements of those designations.

The case is not so straight forward for those with a CS Higher Tier agreement.  It will only be possible to end the existing agreement early ‘by exception’.  Defra has not expanded on the criteria for this as yet, and has said more information will be available in the summer together with details on how CS MT and HLS agreement holders can apply to end their agreements.

In terms of agreements which end on 31st December 2024, Defra has said it should be possible to apply for an SFI or CS Higher Tier agreement ahead of this date, so that the new agreement is ready to commence on 1st January 2025.  Furthermore, agreement holders are reminded that they can apply for an SFI agreement to run alongside an existing agreement as long as the actions under both schemes are compatible and there is no double funding.

Ending an existing agreement early to enter the SFI is one of the most common questions we receive.  This does give a time frame, even if we still don’t have all the detail.  We also know of cases where there has been a problem applying for SFI when an HLS or CS agreement is coming to an end or has recently finished, hopefully this means Defra has addressed or will be addressing this problem shortly.

If you found this article useful, there are numerous additional articles published each month on our Professional Update bulletin service. You can access a no obligation 90-day free trial via the link below.

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Country Landscape

Nutrient Management Research Grants

Defra has announced funding for projects which will develop innovative solutions to farm nutrient management.  Through the Farming Innovation Programme, £15m will be available through two competition strands;

  • Farming Futures: Nutrient Management Phase 1 – Feasibility – Funding for projects of between £200,000 to £500,000
  • Farming Futures: Nutrient Management Phase 1 – Industrial Research – funding for projects of between £500,000 to £1,000,000

The Farming Innovation Programme, is a partnership with Innovate UK who are part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) – the UK’s innovation agency.  Innovate UK deliver the programme, providing funding to those who want to research or develop an innovative solution to a known problem in agriculture.  Funding is grouped under four different themes; this support is via the Farming Futures Research and Development (R & D) Fund which supports work on ‘longer-term’ innovations.  Both competitions will open on 29th May and close at 11am on 24th July, but further guidance has been made available in advance of opening and can be found via

Further to these strands, Innovate UK will run an additional competition, Farming Futures: Nutrient Management Phase 2 – Industrial Research, in Autumn 2024.  This Phase 2 competition will have higher project costs that can be supported through the Phase 1 competition.

If you found this article useful, there are numerous additional articles published each month on our Professional Update bulletin service. You can access a no obligation 90-day free trial via the link below.

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Loam Farm Update

The 2024 harvest year continues to be challenging for cereals farmers.  Whilst dryer weather has allowed some spring operations to progress, the wet weather since the autumn has already affected the likely financial returns for the coming harvest.

In light of these difficulties we have updated our Loam Farm Model.  Loam Farm is a notional 600 hectare business that has been used since 1991 to track the fortunes of British combinable cropping farms.  It is partly owned and partly rented and is based on real-life data. It has one full-time worker and employs harvest casual labour.

The farm has just finished its sales from harvest 2023.  It can be seen that the returns have been far lower than the previous 2021 and 2022 harvests.  However, those two were unusually good (some of the best profits Loam Farm has seen in 30+ years).  The results for harvest 2023 are far more in line with historical averages.  However, even with the farm making a profit, the business is under some cashflow pressure due to higher working capital requirements and the need to pay tax on the profits from the two previous good years.

For harvest 2024, variable costs have reduced – mainly lower fertiliser values.  Overheads increase due to labour, machinery, fuel and general overhead cost inflation.  Some costs have increased to deliver the SFI options that the farm has signed-up for.   The key issue for the coming harvest is output though.  Despite the reduced UK harvest crop prices are un-exciting for growers – largely due to plentiful grain stocks  around the world.  Yields are also forecast to be lower.  Loam Farm is assumed to have established its winter crops, but the forecast yield has been reduced due to crop stress over winter and the significant bare patches in fields.  The farm has around a third spring cropping.  Again, these crops are assumed to have been established but the expected yield has been cut due to the late planting and unfavourable soil conditions.  It can be seen that, for Loam Farm, this means there is a forecast loss from production for this harvest.  The (declining) BPS and SFI are required to bring the business back into profit.

If you would like more detail on the topics covered above as well as additional articles on UK farm business matters, why not subscribe to our Professional Update bulletin? Over the course of each month, we give a concise and unbiased commentary on the key issues affecting business performance in the UK agri-food industry, and its implications for farming and food businesses. Please click on the link below for a 90-day free trial.

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Beef and Lamb Markets Update


Cattle prices remain strong but fell back throughout March and are just below 2023 levels.  However, prices appear to be stabilising now.  The GB deadweight prime all steer price for the week ending 13th April 2024 stood at 487.5p per kg; compared with 490.8 p per kg for the same week in 2024.  The cull cow price has climbed steadily since the turn of the year, from 316.9p per kg at the start of 2024 to 356p per kg for the week ending 13th April.  Even so, it is still some 27p per kg below last year’s record levels.  GB slaughterings are estimated to be up on the year, with prime supplies seeing a 2.7% (13,100 head) growth on the year-to-date.  But prices are being supported by demand, which is reported to be good ahead of the summer BBQ season.  Furthermore, Irish cattle prices have been trending up over recent weeks due to firm demand adding further support to GB beef values.


The GB sheep market has experienced some exceptional prices over the spring.  Following a slight dip a couple of weeks ago, prices have increased again; the GB deadweight SQQ overall price for the week ending 13th April rose by 21p per kg on the week to 850.7p per kg, compared with 636.3p per kg in 2023.  Prices have remained strong post-Easter supported by tight supplies.  The AHDB estimates slaughterings to be down by 7.6% (238,000 head) for the year-to-date.  The wet weather is also impacting finishing of hoggs and will mean spring lambs are likely to take longer to come to market.

Looking ahead, the AHDB has updated its domestic sheep meat production for the year.  It is now estimating supplies to fall by -1.4% to 282,000 tonnes (previously -1%).  The update follows the lastest livestock numbers from Defra, which reports a larger decline in the breeding flock.  In turn, the lamb crop, which was previously forecast to increase by 2%, is now expected to decline by -1.2% compared with last season and this doesn’t take into account any impacts from Schmallenberg or Bluetongue virus.

However, the carryover of old season lambs from 2023 to 2024, although still down on the year, is not expected to drop by as much; the fall in carry-over is now estimated at -4.3%, compared with the previous figure of -10%.  This is due to the assumption that more ewe lambs, previously expected to go into the breeding flock, will be slaughtered.  In terms of new season lamb slaughterings in the first six months of the year, this is now expected to be around 1.57m head (previously 1.6m).  Slaughter in the second half of the year assumes a typical pattern and is forecast to be 6.4m head (previously 6.6m); growth of just under 1% compared with the same period in 2023.  Adult sheep slaughterings across the year are forecast to fall by -3%.  The revised forecast show supplies tightening and whereas, previously, the increase in product in the second half of the year could have put downward pressure on prices, this has reduced.  The main concern for the sector will be from reduced consumer demand because of a switch to cheaper meats.

If you would like more detail on the topics covered above as well as additional articles on UK farm business matters, why not subscribe to our Professional Update bulletin? Over the course of each month, we give a concise and unbiased commentary on the key issues affecting business performance in the UK agri-food industry, and its implications for farming and food businesses. Please click on the link below for a 90-day free trial.

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Nottingham Farming Conference

Thursday 8th February 2024

10 am  – 4 pm


University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington, Leicestershire, LE12 5RD

“Challenging perceptions – Next generation farming”


Soil-Crop-Animal-Manure Cycle

Andrew Sinnock



Regenerative Farming

William Hudson

Writtle University College


Biodiversity Net Gain

Mark Topliff

Knight Frank


Pasture, Climate and the Consumer

Hannah Thorogood

Pasture for Life


There will be a hot buffet lunch and refreshments provided throughout the day

EMFMA Members £40 per person

Non Members £45 per person

Parking £5 per car


To book your place, please complete the booking form (This link will take you to MS Forms) by Wednesday 24th January 2024


If you have any queries, please contact Rebecca Stretton on [email protected]

Agflation has Peaked, but its Corrosive Effects Linger

After rising sharply since 2021 and peaking in July 2022 at 28.4%, agricultural inputs’ inflation (Agflation) has been in free-fall during the first half of 2022 and has become deflationary. The latest estimates suggest that agricultural input prices in May 2023 are 3% lower than in May 2022. Agricultural output prices have broadly mirrored the trend for agricultural inputs and have also become deflationary, currently standing at -2.3%. This is in sharp contrast to food prices (depicted by CPI Food), which in May 2023 are estimated to have risen by 18.7% year-on-year.

Although, it appears that food prices for consumers are continuing to rise whilst agricultural prices are falling, importantly, there is a lag between how agricultural prices evolve and how these prices are reflected in retail prices. Back in 2017, when agricultural output prices reached their highest point in May of that year (at 13.2%), the CPI Food index did not peak until the following November (at 4.1%). This reveals a lag of about 6 months and indicates that the highest extent of inflation in food prices was significantly lower than for agricultural outputs. A key reason for this is that agricultural raw materials are one of several inputs that go into supplying food to consumers. Other inputs such as labour, energy, and packaging are also significant, and traditionally are much less volatile than agricultural prices.

Andersons ‘Agflation’ and UK Consumer Prices Index (CPI) – 2015 to 2023

Sources: ONS, Defra and Andersons

Notes: Andersons’ Agflation index builds upon on Defra price indices for agricultural inputs and weights each input cost (e.g., animal feed) by the overall spend by UK farmers. Andersons then provides a more up-to-date estimate of the price index for each input cost category.   The Agricultural Outputs index is compiled in a similar manner. Defra price indices for agricultural outputs are weighted based on their overall contribution to UK farming output. Andersons then provides more recent estimates for each output category, with the index being updated as the official Defra data becomes available.
* represents the % change versus the same month a year earlier.

That said, the combined effects of Brexit, Covid and the Russia-Ukraine conflict have exerted multiple pressures on both agricultural commodities, labour and energy inputs meaning that recent CPI Food inflation has almost reached 20%. However, there are signs that food price inflation might have peaked in March 2023, about 7 months after agricultural output prices had done similar.

Furthermore, although the chart above shows that inflation is trending downwards, it disguises that agricultural and food prices today are substantially higher than they were two years ago, as the indexed chart below shows. Agricultural input prices are 24% higher, agricultural outputs are up 15% whilst food prices are up by 29% in that time. In this time, prices elsewhere in the economy, denoted by the CPI index are also up by 18%. This reveals the corrosive pressure that inflation exerts on consumers’ incomes. Understandably, workers will seek pay rises to mitigate these increases. This, in turn, will mean that inflationary pressure across the economy generally will continue to linger, especially as annual inflation (8.7% (CPI)) remains way higher than the Bank of England’s 2% target.

Indexed Chart of Agricultural Inputs, Outputs, Food Prices and CPI – 2015 to 2023

Sources: ONS, Defra and Andersons

With consumer incomes under pressure, there is even greater focus on food prices and, by implication, the prices that farmers receive. All the while, farmers too are contending with their costs being significantly higher than two years’ ago. This signifies further challenges ahead, at a time when recent Free Trade Agreements with Australia and New Zealand have entered into force. Although farmers in those countries have also had to contend with inflationary pressures, it suggests that a delicate balancing act will be needed so that British prices remain competitive, whilst permitting farmers to cover the significant cost increases that they have experienced in the past two years.

Indeed, a key reason why agricultural inflation has come down is because the annualised figures compare with a given month a year earlier, a period when the world was adjusting to the shocks caused by the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. When annual inflation is compared to a period after which costs had increased considerably, it is unsurprising that the rate of increase has slowed, or turned negative in the case of agflation.

In such times, it is more important than ever for farmers and those that transact with farmers to be aware of the costs that farmers face. The Agricultural Budgeting and Costing Book contains all the farm and rural business information you need in one publication. It is concise, clear, and easy-to-use. The information is updated every six months, so you are always using the most relevant data, something which is especially vital during inflationary periods. The contents include;

  • Fully updated gross margins for all farming sectors, crops, and livestock, including net margins for key enterprises.
  • Sensitivity analysis and discussion of market prospects.
  • The widest range of information on alternative enterprises, diversification, and non-farming income sources available in any UK publication.
  • Explanation of the support systems and grants across GB, including BPS rules and rural grants. An outline of post-Brexit farm policy.
  • Farming costs including forage, feed, fertiliser, and pesticides.
  • Overhead cost data covering machinery, labour, contracting, building costs, and rents.
  • A vast array of general reference information for the farming sector.

For nearly 50 years, The Agricultural Budgeting and Costing Book has been providing industry leading farm management and costings information to agricultural advisors across the UK and is the leading publication of its kind in the industry. The 96th Edition, or an annual subscription (2 editions) can be ordered via The Andersons Centre website –



No. of Words: 966

Authors: Michael Haverty and Richard King

Date: 21st June 2023

This news release has been sent from The Andersons Centre, 3rd Floor, The Tower, Pera Office Park, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 0PB. For further information please contact Michael Haverty on +44 (0)7900 907 902 or Richard King via +44 (0)7977 191427. 

Cost of Farming Squeeze Continues

Agricultural inputs’ inflation (Agflation) continues to outpace general economic inflation (CPI) as well as agricultural outputs and food prices (denoted by CPI Food). This is the key finding of Andersons’ Agflation estimates for January. The latest estimates put Agflation at 18.7% annually, significantly ahead of agricultural outputs (11.1%). Although the CPI and CPI Food indices continue to rise, currently standing at 10.5% and 16.8% respectively, there is still a gap between the food price inflation that consumers face and the increased input costs that farmers must manage. Therefore, UK agriculture continues to experience a cost of farming squeeze.

Andersons ‘Agflation’ and UK Consumer Prices Index (CPI) – 2015 to 2023

Sources: ONS, Defra and Andersons

Notes: Andersons’ Agflation index builds upon on Defra price indices for agricultural inputs and weights each input cost (e.g., animal feed) by the overall spend by UK farmers. Andersons then provides a more up-to-date estimate of the price index for each input cost category.   The Agricultural Outputs index is compiled in a similar manner. Defra price indices for agricultural outputs are weighted based on their overall contribution to UK farming output. Andersons then provides more recent estimates for each output category, with the index being updated as the official Defra data becomes available.
* represents the % change versus the same month a year earlier.

Although Agflation remains higher than food prices, it is declining. In July 2022, it peaked at 26.3%. That said, throughout 2022, agricultural input cost inflation generally surpassed price rises for agricultural outputs. The only exception came in October and November when both indices were aligned. During December and January, the agricultural outputs’ inflation rate has more than halved, declining from 22.9% in October to 11.1% today. It is now 7.6 percentage points lower than agricultural inputs’ inflation.

This signifies a challenging period ahead for farmers as the gap between input cost rises on the one hand and output prices on the other continues to widen. Global Dairy Trade (DGT) auction prices, taken as a proxy for global milk prices, have declined by 6% in the past month. Feed wheat prices (£213/t) are also down by 6% versus December and are returning to levels seen this time last year when prices stood at £210/t. The implications of these trends will require careful consideration.

Whilst general economic inflation looks to have peaked and several commentators are forecasting that the inflation rate will decline significantly during 2023, food prices continue to rise. This should not come as a surprise at this juncture because there tends to be a lag between the rates of inflation for agricultural commodities (inputs and outputs) and the inflation rate for food prices. In the past year or so, this has been in the region of 6 months. With agricultural inflation peaking in July, one would anticipate that the CPI Food index will also peak shortly, if it has not already done so.

Inflation and the impact of the ‘cost-of-living crisis’ on UK agriculture will be key themes during the forthcoming Andersons’ Spring Seminars on the Prospects for UK Agriculture which will be taking place across 11 UK venues from 24th February. The Seminars will examine UK farming’s profitability and performance, upcoming farm policy changes, trade, inflation and the impact of the cost-of-living crisis. They also provide sector-by-sector analysis and profitability outlook for the farming industry. Andersons’ Seminars have been running for 26 years and are renowned across Britain for informing agri-food professionals on how the industry is set to evolve in the next year and beyond, and the implications thereof for organisations serving the sector.

Despite the inflationary pressures that UK farming is facing, we have held the cost of the seminars at the same level as last year. Furthermore, if you book online via you will receive, via e-mail, a bonus complimentary copy of our most recent Professional Update bulletin (worth £50). More information including booking details is available via:



No. of Words: 658

Authors: Michael Haverty and Richard King

Date: 31st January 2023

This news release has been sent from The Andersons Centre, 3rd Floor, The Tower, Pera Office Park, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 0PB. For further information please contact Michael Haverty on +44 (0)7900 907 902 or Richard King via +44 (0)7977 191427. 

Andersons Supporting ABP’s £1.5 Million Beef and Lamb Sustainability Programme

ABP has recently announced a £1.5 million investment in a unique sustainability programme which will support 350 of its farmer suppliers, and share wider learnings across the UK beef and sheep sectors. The Andersons Centre (Andersons) is delighted to be supporting ABP in conducting the on-farm assessments which will encompass both greenhouse gas emissions and other sustainability benchmarking.

This new programme, called PRISM 2030, will provide farmers with a support framework initially over 2-3 years. The aim of the programme is to help participants to improve their carbon footprint and sustainability across the entirety of the farm. The detailed programme will include assessment of carbon footprint, soil health, water use and support biodiversity creation and resource efficiency.

In addition to Andersons’ input, Harper Adams University will also provide support to ensure that farmers have direct and ongoing access to, and feedback from, the very latest environmental innovations and methodologies. ABP will also be making a sustainability grant available to farmers. There will also be peer-to-peer learning and expert advice on how environmental and productive performance can be improved throughout the programme.

The carbon assessments will be undertaken using Agrecalc as it is widely recognised as one of the leading carbon calculators in the UK, particularly in the grazing livestock sector. Agrecalc has over 8,000 active users with more than 17,000 carbon assessments completed across the UK in recent years.

Michael Haverty, Partner and Senior Research Consultant, will lead the Andersons team and commented that “given the scale of the climate change challenge, it is crucial that improvements in terms of greenhouse gas emissions are made as soon as possible. The PRISM 2030 programme addresses this challenge head-on by giving a robust baseline on emissions and, importantly, is focused on identifying and implementing actions which can improve both environmental emissions and productive performance.”

Dean Holroyd, Group Technical and Sustainability Director for ABP, stated that “British red meat production is amongst the most sustainable in the world, but we can and must do more because as an industry, we are well placed to be part of the climate solution.”

“So, we want to build on this position of strength, and while PRISM will mean direct support for those in our supply base who qualify for the programme, all of the outcomes will be made available to the wider industry.

In this way, it’s our hope that this initiative will play a part in helping beef and sheep farmers across the country become the global leaders in sustainable meat production – with lower emissions, lower costs and improved productivity.”

Farmers interested in participating in the PRISM 2030 programme should firstly contact a member of the ABP Livestock Team for their region to avail of a complimentary carbon assessment as well as a suite of other benefits.


No. of Words: 475

Author: Michael Haverty

Date: 24th November 2022

This news release has been sent from The Andersons Centre, 3rd Floor, The Tower, Pera Office Park, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 0PB.

FFRF Programme – Free Farm Business Advice

The Andersons Centre are providing FREE farm business consultancy advice under the DEFRA funded FFRF programme.

The programme is open to ALL farming businesses in England with an SBI number.

You will receive THREE DAYS worth of FREE consultancy input.

You will:
• Receive a face-to-face meeting with a specialist consultant
• A detailed report
• A follow up meeting
• Access to online training courses

Areas we cover under the programme are:
• In-depth Business Review and help with future business planning
• Joint Ventures
• Debt Re-Structuring
• Feasibility Studies
• Analysis of Capital Investment and Future Funding
• Forward Budgeting and Cashflow Management
• Diversification
• Tenancy Help
• Anything else farm business related

In-depth Business Review

Any business requires a sound strategy with defined objectives. Not sure where your business is heading or how it is performing? Our in-depth review will analyse your business, compare it to others, challenge what you are doing, and provide you with independent and financially sound advice for you to consider.

Joint Ventures

Contract Farming Agreements are a structured way for land occupiers to collaborate with contract farmers. We can advise on how contract farming works – physically and financially, on the structure of the agreement and on the roles and responsibilities of each party. We can prepare budgets to assess the financial returns for an agreement for each party.

Debt Re-Structuring

We work alongside banks and finance providers to agricultural businesses on a fully independent basis. We are well placed to assist you with advice regarding your finance and debt requirements to find a solution which works best for you.
Is your debt structured correctly? Do you have the correct balance of long term and short term borrowing? Is your borrowing affordable? Do you have enough working capital? We can provide detailed forward budget & cashflow projections should you require a restructure to your business finances.

Feasibility Studies

Do you have a new enterprise you wish to try? Or wish to change your system and want to see how it will impact your business financially? We can carry out detailed feasibility studies on your business by comparing what you are doing now with what you want to change.

Analysis of Capital Investment and Future Funding

Are you planning a new capital project such as pursuing a new enterprise, buying a farm, beginning a new tenancy, buildings or improving infrastructure, expanding an existing enterprise, or diversifying? Analysis of the capital investment is critical – planning the costs, assessing the returns, cash flowing and funding the project correctly, integration of the project within your existing business are key to ensure you have all the right information available to you before you make the important decisions.

Forward Budgeting and Cashflow Management
A budget and cash flow forecast is a powerful tool for managing a farm business. Just by producing a budget it makes you consider the future direction of your business and importantly whether the result meets your annual capital needs. By periodically monitoring against budget you are better able to plan your future direction.


Diversification is becoming important for many businesses. Whether to allow other family members to join the business, better utilise resources, or for entrepreneurial individuals looking for opportunities to add value, we have a range of knowledge and experience from working with different diversified farming businesses on a variety of projects.
A successful diversification project must be based upon sound business principles. We can assist with assessing the market-place for your chosen activity, evaluating the viability of investments, considering government policy and assessing routes to market. The overall business case is the important key to success, as well as a fit with current farm activities, people and resources.

Tenancy Help

We can assist with rent reviews, FBT negotiation, rent tenders for business expansion and exit strategies for landlords and tenants.

Sign Up to the Programme

The FFRF (Future Farming Resilience Fund) is being provided by The Andersons Centre in partnership with Ricardo. The programme which is grant funded by DEFRA runs from now until March 2025.

You can sign up to the FFRF programme through the Ricardo Website – and click Register Here.