The Inaugural John Nix Award

The Worshipful Company of Farmers is delighted to announce the launch of a new annual agricultural award to the alumnus of the Agricultural Business Management course and the Challenge of Rural Leadership course.

This new annual award, announced in the latest Farmers Weekly, worth £1000 each year, will recognise excellence in rural business management and will be awarded by The Worshipful Company of Farmers, in association with The Andersons Centre, is open to graduates of the Company’s two flagship courses in Business Management and Rural Leadership.

The John Nix Award wishes to hear from those delegates who have achieved success with their business since attending the course(s) and the impact of the course(s) has made on their careers; those eligible for this annual award have completed their course(s) at least 8 years ago but no more that 12 years ago at the time of application (in essence those who participated in the programmes during 2013-2017).

Professor John Nix, who died in 2018, will be remembered by many as the doyen of agricultural business management in general and gross margins in particular. His practical, down-to-earth style won many farming hearts and minds, and his management pocketbook lives on as a worthy legacy.


Applications are now open with a closing date, at 23:59, on 14th March 2025. Those short listed will be called for interview in London on 2nd April 2025. The award will be presented at the Livery Company’s annual Agricultural lecture and dinner at Plaisterers’ Hall in London on 29th April 2025. The application form for this new award can be found below.


To apply for the 2025 John Nix Award


Nottingham Farming Conference

Thursday 8th February 2024

10 am  – 4 pm


University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington, Leicestershire, LE12 5RD

“Challenging perceptions – Next generation farming”


Soil-Crop-Animal-Manure Cycle

Andrew Sinnock



Regenerative Farming

William Hudson

Writtle University College


Biodiversity Net Gain

Mark Topliff

Knight Frank


Pasture, Climate and the Consumer

Hannah Thorogood

Pasture for Life


There will be a hot buffet lunch and refreshments provided throughout the day

EMFMA Members £40 per person

Non Members £45 per person

Parking £5 per car


To book your place, please complete the booking form (This link will take you to MS Forms) by Wednesday 24th January 2024


If you have any queries, please contact Rebecca Stretton on [email protected]

FFRF Programme – Free Farm Business Advice

The Andersons Centre are providing FREE farm business consultancy advice under the DEFRA funded FFRF programme.

The programme is open to ALL farming businesses in England with an SBI number.

You will receive THREE DAYS worth of FREE consultancy input.

You will:
• Receive a face-to-face meeting with a specialist consultant
• A detailed report
• A follow up meeting
• Access to online training courses

Areas we cover under the programme are:
• In-depth Business Review and help with future business planning
• Joint Ventures
• Debt Re-Structuring
• Feasibility Studies
• Analysis of Capital Investment and Future Funding
• Forward Budgeting and Cashflow Management
• Diversification
• Tenancy Help
• Anything else farm business related

In-depth Business Review

Any business requires a sound strategy with defined objectives. Not sure where your business is heading or how it is performing? Our in-depth review will analyse your business, compare it to others, challenge what you are doing, and provide you with independent and financially sound advice for you to consider.

Joint Ventures

Contract Farming Agreements are a structured way for land occupiers to collaborate with contract farmers. We can advise on how contract farming works – physically and financially, on the structure of the agreement and on the roles and responsibilities of each party. We can prepare budgets to assess the financial returns for an agreement for each party.

Debt Re-Structuring

We work alongside banks and finance providers to agricultural businesses on a fully independent basis. We are well placed to assist you with advice regarding your finance and debt requirements to find a solution which works best for you.
Is your debt structured correctly? Do you have the correct balance of long term and short term borrowing? Is your borrowing affordable? Do you have enough working capital? We can provide detailed forward budget & cashflow projections should you require a restructure to your business finances.

Feasibility Studies

Do you have a new enterprise you wish to try? Or wish to change your system and want to see how it will impact your business financially? We can carry out detailed feasibility studies on your business by comparing what you are doing now with what you want to change.

Analysis of Capital Investment and Future Funding

Are you planning a new capital project such as pursuing a new enterprise, buying a farm, beginning a new tenancy, buildings or improving infrastructure, expanding an existing enterprise, or diversifying? Analysis of the capital investment is critical – planning the costs, assessing the returns, cash flowing and funding the project correctly, integration of the project within your existing business are key to ensure you have all the right information available to you before you make the important decisions.

Forward Budgeting and Cashflow Management
A budget and cash flow forecast is a powerful tool for managing a farm business. Just by producing a budget it makes you consider the future direction of your business and importantly whether the result meets your annual capital needs. By periodically monitoring against budget you are better able to plan your future direction.


Diversification is becoming important for many businesses. Whether to allow other family members to join the business, better utilise resources, or for entrepreneurial individuals looking for opportunities to add value, we have a range of knowledge and experience from working with different diversified farming businesses on a variety of projects.
A successful diversification project must be based upon sound business principles. We can assist with assessing the market-place for your chosen activity, evaluating the viability of investments, considering government policy and assessing routes to market. The overall business case is the important key to success, as well as a fit with current farm activities, people and resources.

Tenancy Help

We can assist with rent reviews, FBT negotiation, rent tenders for business expansion and exit strategies for landlords and tenants.

Sign Up to the Programme

The FFRF (Future Farming Resilience Fund) is being provided by The Andersons Centre in partnership with Ricardo. The programme which is grant funded by DEFRA runs from now until March 2025.

You can sign up to the FFRF programme through the Ricardo Website – and click Register Here.