SFI 2024 – Changes to SFI 2023 Actions

In our article last month which reported on the expanded 2024 offer, we said the 23 SFI 2023 actions would be available in the SFI 2024.  This is true, but there are some (potentially significant) changes to the rules under some of the actions.  Below is a list of some of the key changes, although not exhaustive, and farmers and their advisors should check the new rules for themselves:

  • CSAM3 – Herbal Leys.  This action will now be static.  It is also more prescriptive on the seed mix, which should include at least 1 grass species, 2 legume and 2 herb or wildflower species
  • CIPM2 – Flower-rich grass margins, blocks, or in-field strips.  This action will be static.  In addition, it will only be possible to put ‘part of the available area in a land parcel’ into this action – it doesn’t actually give advice on what constitutes ‘part’ of a parcel
  • CNUM3 – Legume Fallow.  This will be static.  Originally in SFI 2023 NUM3 was a static option and then was quickly changed to rotational.  It seems to have reverted back; this could present a problem to those who were thinking of using legume fallow as a break crop in the crop rotation
  • CIPM4 – No use of insecticide on arable and permanent crops.  If the land is being used to grow arable crops (including non-permanent horticultural crops), this action must be done on one ‘cash crop’ from when it is sown until it is harvested.  Many have been advocating for this
  • CAHL1 – Pollen and nectar flower mix.  This action will be static.  Furthermore, it will only be possible to put ‘part of the available area in a land parcel’ into this action
  • CAHL2 – Winter bird food.  It will only be possible to put ‘part of the available area in a land parcel’ into this action
  • CAHL3 – Grassy field corners and blocks.  It will only be possible to put ‘part of the available area in a land parcel’ into this action
  • CIGL1 – Take improved grassland field corners & blocks out of management.  It will only be possible to put ‘part of the available area in a land parcel’ into this action
  • CIGL2 – Maintain improved grassland to provide winter bird food.  It will only be possible to put ‘part of the available area in a land parcel’ into this action

There are some more ‘general changes’ which sees a slight change to the phrase ‘it is up to you how you do this action‘ which now includes ‘as long as you:

  • follow this action’s requirements – these are identified by a ‘must’
  • do the action in a way that could reasonably be expected to achieve this actions aims

It is our understanding that the new rules will only apply to agreements under the new expanded SFI 2024 offer, but we will endeavor to keep readers informed of any updates.

For those who like a booklet, Defra has provided a pdf version (366 pages) of the actions this can be found via https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/6655a85d0c8f88e868d33282/SFI-2024-actions-print-version.pdf. 

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